December, 2016: Vikas Mishra was awarded a Malcolm Feist Postdoctoral Fellowship to fund his studies examining the role of neuronal Kv1.1 channels in epilepsy and sudden death.

October, 2016: Hemangini Dhaibar and Vikas Mishra won for best posters in the Graduate Student and Postdoc/Resident categories, respectively, at the annual LSU Neuroscience Research Day.

June 23-26, 2016: Stephanie Villalba received a travel award to present her research at the 2016 Partners Against Mortality in Epilepsy (PAME) conference held in Alexandria, VA.

May, 2016: Hemangini Dhaibar passed her preliminary exam to become an official doctoral candidate.

March 12, 2016: Hemangini Dhaibar won 3rd place at the 32nd Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference (Shreveport, LA) for her poster describing respiratory abnormalities in a mouse model of sudden death in epilepsy.

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