October 21-22, 2021: Dr. Glasscock served as an ad hoc member of the Acute Neural Injury and Epilepsy NIH study section.

August 20, 2021: Congratulations to Kelsey Paulhus for winning the 1st ever Graduate Student Speed Talk Competition at the annual SMU Biology Department orientation and welcome day! Students had 1 minute to give an elevator pitch of their research projects. The winner got a lucky cat trophy and a coffee mug.

July 5, 2021: A wonderful group effort by Praveen Kumar, Man Si and Kelsey Paulhus led to our latest paper in the Journal of Visualized Experiments, which demonstrates a new method to use multielectrode array electrophysiology to measure intrinsic heart rate from sinoatrial tissue in mice.

June 4, 2021: One of Hemangini Dhaibar's figures from our most recent paper made the cover of the June issue of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience!

May 3, 2021: A new study from our lab by Dr. Hemangini Dhaibar reveals extensive gliosis pathology throughout cardiorespiratory brain regions in the Kv1.1 knockout mouse model of epilepsy and SUDEP which could contribute to impaired cardiac and breathing function.

Figure 1 from the article (doi:10.1016/j.mcn.2021.103615)

January 26, 2021: Can epilepsy-associated mutations be beneficial to prevent autism behaviors? A new paper by Dr. Indu Jagadeeswaran, a postdoc in our lab, suggests this could be the case in some instances. She found that partial deletion of the Kcna1 epilepsy gene ameliorated autism-like behaviors in the Scn2a mouse model of autism.

January 11, 2021: New research from our lab by Dr. Krystle Trosclair shows that Kv1.1 K+ channel knockout mice, which we use to study epilepsy and SUDEP, exhibit altered ventricular arrhythmia susceptibility, contractility, and repolarization.

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