November 27, 2020: New collaborative research from our lab and the Iasemidis lab at Louisiana Tech published in the IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology finds impaired functional connectivity between the brain, heart, and lungs in a mouse model of epilepsy that could be a biomarker of SUDEP susceptibility. Click here to read the paper.

September 18, 2020: Kelsey Paulhus passed her qualifying exam to officially become the 4th ever PhD doctoral candidate from the lab (and 1st since the lab moved to SMU)

August 27, 2020: Dr. Glasscock was selected to participate in the 2020 SMU Emerging Leaders program.

June 18-19, 2020: Dr. Glasscock served as an ad hoc member of the Acute Neural Injury and Epilepsy NIH study section.

April 16-17, 2020: Congrats to Drs. Hemangini Dhaibar and Krystle Trosclair for successfully defending their PhD dissertations! They are now the 2nd and 3rd students to graduate with PhD's out of the Glasscock lab.

April 17, 2020: Congrats to Kelsey Paulhus for being first author on an invited review entitled "Clinical spectrum of KCNA1 mutations: insights into episodic ataxia and epilepsy comorbidity," our lab's first work originating at SMU. Part of her work involved mapping all known human KCNA1 single nucleotide polymorphisms and correlating them with disease phenotype, as shown below in Figure 1 of the paper.

January 24, 2020: Congrats to Krystle Trosclair for her first author publication in Neurobiology of Disease entitled "Neuron-specific Kv1.1 deficiency is sufficient to cause epilepsy, premature death, and cardiorespiratory dysregulation."

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